Friday, March 25, 2016

Baby #4

Joe and I found out that we are expecting Baby Morin #4 in October. We are very excited to complete our earthly family this year. This will be the very last- doctors orders. I am feeling nauseous which, for me, is a good sign. I have had 3 blood tests to detect progesterone levels. So far, the levels are normal. I am so grateful not to have to have progesterone supplements. Today, 3/15/2016, I went in for an early ultrasound to detect a heartbeat and see if everything is normal. (Probably because I am now 36 and considered "high risk" and with the history of a miscarriage on record.) We are happy to know that the baby was there and is measuring 7 weeks 3 days, which is spot on schedule. There is only one baby and a heart beat was detected. We are happy and grateful for this miracle. Here is his/her first picture:

Joe and I just told our family members this week. (3/23-3/24). We haven't made it public but those who actually read this blog will know. We are aware of one other baby in the family that will be coming around Thanksgiving so we are super excited to have cousins so close together- about 3 weeks!

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