Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hit the Road Mac!

I'm speechless. I'm not sure what to say. I believed so strongly in Apple iMac computers for 3 terrific weeks. Now, I'm just lonely and sad and hurt. Our brand spankin' new iMac broke so bad that we had to ship it back for another new one. It was only THREE WEEKS! Apple Care Customer Support couldn't even do anything to save it. It was toast! THREE WEEKS! THREE! We lost all our files. Glad I didn't upload any photos.

I am grateful for our hand-me-down laptop that has been through 2 of our computers already. I know I laugh when I can only create Word Perfect documents and can't open Excel files but seriously, I'm grateful for Ol' Faithful PC.

This means another delay for pictures and fun posts. In the meantime, I'll be counting my blessings.

1 comment:

L said...

Stinkin' compy. I'm so sorry!